We’re excited to share the trails with you again this year! Remember that registration closes when we reach 400 runners or at 11:55 p.m. on Sunday, Sept. 27, whichever comes first. Only about 100 spots remain, so don’t miss the chance to join us. We have a few new features in 2015, including chip timing for faster on-site and online results and an improved website.
We’re also excited about another fantastic group of sponsors for this year’s race, including Spectrum, Berkeley Running Co., the Ice Age Trail Alliance, and more. New this year is a focus on locally produced food. We’ll have Murphy Farms fresh cheese curds, sausage from the Lodi Sausage Co., fruits and vegetables from Harmony Valley Farm, gift certificates from Northwood Farm and Flyte Family Farm, and of course pumpkins and popcorn from the Tree Farm. Oh, and those Hubbard Avenue cookies? They’re back too, along with the Currach Irish Trio’s great music.
Love the lake? Then join us on our run to restore! We’ll see you on Oct 3.